Why did we go natural? It's a common question. Why haven't you is what I really want to ask haha but here is a bit of my story of why I chose to say no to toxins, to endocrine disruptors, no to certain companies and what led me to Young Living!
Back in 2009, I had been to the doctor for various issues regarding my female cycle. I had always missed 3 consecutive months of my period every year and since becoming married had really struggled with pain during intercourse, afterwards, high and low libido, fertility and then no periods which led to emotional lows. I was feeling defeated and out of whack. Our marriage was all over the place. Emotions had gone down to depression and a panic/anxiety disorder. I couldn't hold a job because of it and I needed help. I was diagnosed then with PCOS and was going to be put on a couple things including birth control to try and regulate my ovary issues. I was told that it would be something I would deal with for the rest of my life and was handed infertility/adoption pamphlets. My acne was out of control and those huge itchy cysts made me feel ugly and irritable. I thought to myself, 'This can't be. There has to be a way to heal my body naturally.' Now for someone who grew up eating fast food every day and always on the go with my family, I didn't know a ton of natural things but I have always been drawn to it since I was a pre-teen. This forced me into the area because I wanted more from my body. I wanted to have children, I wanted to feel good, I wanted to love my husband without hurting and wanted my emotions to feel sane. After this, my Dad knew of someone at his church that had healed her body of things and switched from a lifestyle of toxins, sugar and smoking to a healthy lifestyle and she had gone from not healthy to healthy! I was intrigued and excited! 'This is going to help my body work like it is supposed to!' I thought to myself and I thought super positively and hopeful about the new lifestyle I was entering into.
I started out with going natural. Reading labels and looking like a nut in Kroger because this was not a popular thing like it is now. I went on a no added sugar fast for 21 days and day 3-5 were filled with monstrous headaches. But I pushed through. I switched my chocolate to grain sweetened chocolate chips, I ate lots of vegetables, only real ingredients like butter instead of margarine, switched to organic produce and bread. I did cheat a bit here and there because parties, work, friend gatherings, etc. But at home, I ate organic and I juiced carrots, apples and celery for my drinks. It sounds like a lot but honestly, it is so easy to make the switch today and your body will love you for it!
2009 |
2009 |
So once, I stopped using the microwave (aka didn't allow ourselves to own one in our home), started eating fresh lightly steamed vegetables and following the dirty dozen list from EWG.org for organic priorities...I saw a difference. But I didn't stop there! Once I was on this natural journey, I was in it and I was constantly researching ingredients. It brought me to all the toxins in our home and I was shocked that companies are allowed to sell these things to us! It showed me all the endocrine disruptors that had been flooding my body for years and wreaking havoc. So right then I began the next step to where I am now...all of my personal care and home products! Ya'll, I was using henna in my hair, clay on my skin, ground up mineral powder for makeup, beet powder for blush and lips, mineral/charcoal for eyeliner and oats + honey to wash my face. Then our massage therapist at that job I currently had was using essential oils and had small bottles for sale. I was in to try this! It was for acne! Yay! So I started using Young Living Essential Oils and didn't even know it! How crazy because a couple years later, I bought a starter kit from a friend and this has grown into my Full-Time Job! I am so thankful to be sharing what I love! Okay, bunny trailing...
By December 2011, I had my last rupturing bleeding ovarian cyst and life got way better in 2012. My bloodwork in December came back ALL NORMAL! What in the world!? Victory! God had given me the resources and determination to get to that point and I was so excited! At that point, the conversation said you can get pregnant - it will just be harder because you don't ovulate as often as most women and it may lead to miscarrying but here we go! This started the journey of a million pregnancy tests and a couple miscarries that got longer each time before I got pregnant with our son in September 2013!
December 2013 |
I was sick and getting more sick - this baby was going to stick! I just knew it! It felt so different than the others and we were so happy! He was born healthy through a natural birth in May 2014! Breastfeeding went well and I started my period back at 6 months post-partum while breastfeeding! Amazing! I continued having regular periods but my anxiety from panic disorder with a newborn was hard. So hard. I was scared to have my tiny baby boy relying on ME. The Mom with the panic attacks, could I do it? Will I be good enough? I learned a ton about loving another more than myself. It was easy to do because my boy was mine. I had waited so long and had given up for a while in my head. I just got to the point when people asked that I said, I can't have kids. I had become content with that life and had planned on adopting as I have a huge heart for adoption. I still desire to in the future! I knew the Lord had favor upon me. He saw my hard work, He heard my heart cries and He created a tiny human life for me to care for. I have never felt love as much as I did when he was born. Instantly I had confidence and this child was mine and Mama Bear was here to protect and keep him safe. I still feel that same way today with both of my kids! Being a Mom has truly changed so many parts of me but learning how self-centered I was before was probably the biggest. I have learned to put others before myself and I do this because I love them. This has also grown my marriage! We have learned to let the little things go (most of the time - I mean there was this chicken argument that we now laugh at) and we have learned to love abundantly by giving and receiving GRACE the way the Lord gives us. We are not perfect, but we are striving to be the best parents we can be and we know the Lord is our families #1 focus. Wow, I'm literally just sitting here typing away and reminiscing as I am feeling my heart become full of memories, wonder and awe.
Noah at 2 weeks old |
With my newborn son and all my previous years of research - I knew I wanted my son to have the best natural lifestyle I could give him. I researched products....again EWG.org has been my #1 resource since Day 1...and I kept the toxic cleaners out of my home. Every once in a while, I would just want to feel pretty and buy toxic nail polish and still dyed my gray hairs...but sometimes we just need to feel better about ourselves because I was having trouble losing the baby weight when my friends were getting back into their pre-pregnancy jeans in a month or less! I was 35lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight and if you have been there - you know. It's hard. Post-partum blues, first baby, anxiety, breastfeeding, learning a new schedule, crying babies that spit up and poop blow-outs. I felt overwhelmed and in September 2014, I was worrying over my baby with cold + flu season beginning. I was in Mama Bear Protection Mode. Yes, MBPD is a thing. I had been using essential oils for a few years but knew it was the time to get serious. I had a newer friends introduce me to Young Living and I was the skeptic from past MLM's that thought the company was just trying to sell me oils. So I continued just buying the cheap oils, UNTIL my boy was born. Then it was time to be serious. What was in my essential oils? I knew labels don't tell all. I can't use oils around my son if I am not a 100% sure they are safe as they are concentrated. So I researched. I read. I googled. I talked to friends. I read more. Young Living and Do-Terra were the top 2 companies that I came down to having to choose between. What sold me on YL? The TRANSPARENCY. The fact that they are the first to bring essential oils into the U.S. Gary Young was truly the essential oil expert and I was sold by the Seed to Seal Promise. That is what I needed. I wanted to see all 3rd party reports of what was in those bottles. YL is the only one that was coming back perfect. This is why I chose YL. I wanted the best. Yes, quality is a little bit more expensive and supporting friends and family through their businesses is huge. Young Living is worth every penny. Guess what? I stopped making my own laundry soap, stopped having to read every single label and research all my home and personal care products because Young Living is my one stop shop! This is a load off of me because I was so weary of researching every ingredient and then wondering what they aren't putting on the label because it is under the certain % where it is required. Young Living puts 100% of what is in the product on the label and the essential oils are 100% without any synthetics or preservatives. Did you know that if something is 100% essential oil that it will not expire? Well, now you do. Lavender Oil from YL doesn't have an expiration date like the "organic" ones I was buying from the health food store did. Also, Young Living has essential oils that are used as supplements - hello! That is amazing!
When I decided to get my Young Living Starter Kit, we were not doing well financially. So September 2014 was the month I decided to get that money for that kit because it had the diffuser, the thieves and all those oils and membership. I wanted to see if this was worth it and try all the starter oils. With no extra money, my husband said that if I wanted it then I needed to figure out a way to pay for it - CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. My Mom knew a little old lady that wanted her country curtains taken down, washed, starched and ironed. I'll do it! Yep, I'll do it and it will pay for my starter kit! I did it and it did. If you are wanting to start your journey, I challenge you to make a way. You can do this just like I did. Find some odd jobs, sell some clothes or extra furniture, babysit a few kids and you'll have your starter kit with membership to Young Living in no time! It is worth it!
After I got my starter kit, I immediately opened it and started smelling all of the oils. I was in love! I plugged in the diffuser and the first oil I diffused was Thieves. It smelled like Christmas and I knew it was cleaning the air so that my baby was free to breathe a cleaner home. What legit sold me and I saw the difference between my other oils was TWO things. First, my husband stopped getting migraines and headaches from the essential oils. My old one's triggered his headaches and migraines and I thought he was just being sensitive. Oops! Then second, I had congestion and looked in the FB Group for what could help clear the sinus congestion. Lemon Oil? Heck, okay I'll try it. Using a carrier oil and Lemon Oil, I rubbed it over my nose and sinuses. Within 2 minutes, TWO MINUTES YA'LL, that congestion started MOVING. I was like Woah! Joe! Joe! This is crazy! With that, I wanted more. I researched more on what these essential oils were helping people with. I was in this and wanted to join the Essential Rewards Program because I saw the benefit in it and it's better for budgeting. One problem, I had zero money to pay for it. We already were so tight, had no savings and were using our money to eat well. So Joe said, you can do it as long as you can pay for it. There it was, another challenge and I accepted again because when I want something...I'll work hard to get it. I messaged my friend and asked how I can make money doing this so I can pay for my monthly ordering. She told me and kept saying to take time to pray about it and make sure it is something I wanted to do. I remember being so frustrated at her because I was like no, I want to do this now. I'm not waiting! So I jumped in and here I am almost 5 years later. I have never not placed my monthly order on Essential Rewards and so many products have been released in the past 5 years. Young Living is all throughout my home and I get to pay for my van, tithe, have fun money and provide all the extra nice things around the home. My husband has continued to grow in his work all this time too and I am so proud of how far the Lord has brought us by keeping us determined and motivated. If you have wanted to get a starter kit with Young Living, I would love to help you get started. If you want to change your life financially so you can do more or pay for the Essential Rewards Orders each month, I want to help you!
The day we closed on our new, gorgeous home in August 2018! |
Young Living is literally giving back to the world through the programs/schools they provide for children and to all of us who share their products with others. I want to help you achieve all your dreams whether that is going natural in your home, paying for a new car, paying your rent/mortgage, going on a vacation or just simply becoming a part of our close knit community. Young Living is for everyone and I am proud to be a part of this life changing business! Join me and my team by clicking
here and I will help you get started! Feel free to message me with questions as well by texting me at 615-240-7290.
Thank you for reading part of our story!
much love,
We got released from the hospital at the 24 hour mark cause I wanted to go home! |
Eliyanah Jane
3 weeks old |
P.S. I became pregnant with our sweet girl in December 2015 and she was born in September 2016! So yes, I have two wonderful and beautiful kids! We are abundantly blessed to love and care for them and I will have to do another post for around the time she was born so you can see more of her! <3
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