Bye Facebook, Follow Me Here!

Today is my last day on Facebook, I'm currently downloading all of my photos & videos that I have posted since 2007 and finally kicking this platform to the curb. I am so excited. It's a new chapter in my social life, saying goodbye to some very sweet parts of social media connections but also a goodbye to the stress parts of it. I am excited to spend my time more intentionally through blogging again and keeping connected to those who choose to stick with me as I move back to Blogger! 

Instagram is going to be the next goodbye but I am waiting for my photo access to download my content before I delete it. 

If you want to stay connected with me, hit the follow button on my blog because when I delete my account you will not have access to my profile page to get to this link. I will be updating about life, natural living, favorite products, homeschooling and anything else I want to share publicly! 

Thanks for following me at  Native of Eden! See you there!


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