Essential oils and plant extracts have been used throughout history. Did you know that most often prescription drugs are based on naturally occurring compounds from plants? "Native of Eden" is all about stepping back to nature, back to the foundation of where the world began and using those natural resources to support our bodies instead of using synthetic/mimicking compounds that can have lasting, negative side effects.

Click here to grab your essential oils!

"Essential oils have been used to kill bacteria, fungi, and viruses and to combat insect, bug, and snake bites in addition to treating all kinds of mysterious maladies." (Essential Oil, November 2016)

What is an essential oil?

"An essential oil is that aromatic, volatile liquid that is within many shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, and seeds and that is usually extracted through steam distillation" (Essential Oil, November 2016)

Essential oils are complex substances, but worth learning how to use properly. When used properly, they have the potential to change the way you live and support a healthy mind, body and spirit. Because essential oils are a complex structure and not a simple structure, this shows why you can use one particular essential oil many different ways and for supporting different parts of your health.

Three different models create the therapeutic treatment using essential oils:

  1. English model puts a small amount of essential oil in a large amount of carrier oil (olive, grapeseed, coconut, etc.) and massages the body for relaxation and to reduce stress.
  2. French model uses the essential oils "neat" (without a carrier oil) topically and they ingest the essential oils. 
  3. German model focuses on inhalation of essential oils (aromatherapy). Research has shown that this has positive effects on the hypothalamus (the hormone command center) and the limbic system (emotions). 

When using essential oils internally, you need to be 100% positive that they are safe to use internally and follow specific instructions on how much to take. Typically, under 5 drops but in most cases I see 1-2 drops per oil. You will need to follow careful instructions when using essential oils internally and please make sure you know that it is unadulterated.

Using these three methods of application, the best possible results may be obtained!

For example:

You will choose inhalation over topical use because in some cases it will benefit your body more. Hormones, moods and emotions benefit greatly from the inhalation of essential oils.

In other cases, you will choose topical application to support your body. In the event of a pulled muscle or soreness from exercise, you will choose the proper essential oil and follow directions on how to use the oil topically to obtain the relief you want.

For ingestion, you will first make sure that the essential oil you are choosing to take as a supplement is safe for internal use. There are some essential oils that cannot be taken internally due to the concentration of the type of plant.

Some oils are adulterated, engineered, or "extended" by using synthetic-made compounds added to the essential oils. Why do some make this type of product? It makes it less expensive for the company that wants to sell oils to purchase that oil. Therefore, companies can sell it for less money than the unadulterated oils and make a larger profit by selling more of the oils. This is a negative for us as consumers when it comes to using essential oils to support our health. When purchasing essential oils, you want beyond the organic label because that organic label just means that 95% of the ingredients are organic. What about that other 5%? What about the insecticides that are "organic" but we really don't know what is in that 5% for those as well? When using a concentrated product that is in your bloodstream within 20-30 seconds, I want what will help my body and not hurt it. This is exactly why I made the switch over 4 years ago after much research and I have seen such a huge difference using Young Living over the other brands. Don't just trust me, try it. I guarantee you will fall in love with the Seed to Seal process and using essential oils in your home!

God created the world with plants that support our bodies health. Here in the modern world, we are just discovering a lot of what the Ancient Egyptians used thousands of years ago. I highly encourage you to do your research, grab the Desk Reference or Pocket Reference from LifeScience Publishing. It is packed with information and you will read with excitement on how you can incorporate essential oils into your daily routines and feel better by supporting your body's systems!

Information about essential oils + quoted material above can be found in the Essential Oil Pocket Reference by LifeScience Publishing. Seventh Edition. 

I am not a doctor and do not claim to be a doctor. If you have a serious medical condition, please consult your doctor before introducing essential oils into your lifestyle. I cannot treat, diagnose or prescribe any condition.


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